Advent Catholic Checklist

AdVent Catholic Checklist

There are so many amazing ways to celebrate this Advent season. Below is a video I did on my YouTube Channel with lots of other wonderful Advent ideas!  There are some terrific feast days to be celebrated, and also so many great ways you and your family can spend more time in service and prayer. Click here to download a printable copy of the Advent Checklist PDF.

Here are some ideas this Advent season:

  • Start the St. Andrew Novena on the first Day of Advent (Dec. 27) and pray it every day until Christmas Day.
  • Pray the Jesse Tree devotional with your family (Starts on Dec. 1) 
  • Celebrate the Feast of St. Nicholas on December 6th- get children’s shoe goodies ready and talk about the real St. Nicholas!
  • Keep a prayer journal during advent and consider an Advent study or devotional
  • Go to Mass for the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Holy Day of Obligation)
  • Celebrate the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe on December 12th- Make rose cookies or Mexican hot chocolate!
  • Celebrate the Feast of St. Lucy on December 13th- Make cinnamon buns and read a book about St. Lucy Day
  • Watch “The Nativity Story” or a Brother Francis Christmas episode
  • Write a love letter to your grandparents
  • Go to confession
  • Make a meal for one of your parish priests or invite them for dinner!
  • Pray a family rosary for those who are lonely or struggling financially this season
  • Buy toys for children who are in need- check your local parish to see if they have a toy/gift drive
  • Sponsor a child
  • Go to adoration together as a family
  • Go through your things and donate to those less fortunate
  • Find a way to serve the community- make “goody bags” for the homeless in your area or consider volunteering at a nursing home with your family
  • Reach out to a friend of family member who you haven’t connected with in a while.

How will you and your family be celebrating this season? I pray you have a wonderful, Holy Advent.

*If you are are wanting to buy Catholic gifts this season here are all my Catholic Discount Codes.

In Christ,

Heather Johnson

One Response

  1. Hello Heather,
    I love your videos. I noticed a mistake on your Advent checklist. You have written Advent begins on December 27, I think you meant to say Nov. 27. I love the checklist and I will try to complete it! God Bless You!

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