Spiritual Protection for Your Home

In this blogpost, I will talk a little bit about ways to protect our homes! The world is a crazy place right nowspiritual warfare is very realand I truly believe we need spiritual protection now more than ever! 

As a home maker, I believe it is my job to make the home a wonderful, peaceful, Christ-centered place.  It is a domestic church. As a family we pray, we love each other, and we grow together in our home. It is absolutely essential to have a home that is protected from the chaos and evil in the world! 

Below are some things you can do and items to keep in order to protect your home:

  • Sacred Heart of Jesus Image- The Sacred Heart of Jesus is meant to be the center of our homes. Imagine it like the tabernacle within the Churchit is kind of like the tabernacle within our homes. Jesus appeared to Saint Margaret Mary and told her about all the promises of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. When we hang these Holy images of our Lord, it is as if we are inviting him into our home and saying “You are the center of our home and we love you so much.” If you don’t have an image or statue of the Sacred Heart, ask God. Pray about it. I cannot tell you how many incredible stories I’ve heard about people finding them at thrift stores and garage sales.  God will provide! 
  • Holy Bible- I highly recommend always having a Catholic Bible in your home. If the whole world were to shut down, the Holy Bible would be what protects us. Satan hates scripture. He hates the truth. The Bible is a love story from God to each one of us. We have the Ignatius Catholic Study Bible (New Testament) and really enjoy it. There is great commentary by Scott Hahn. The Jeff Cavins Bible is also one of my favorites. Whichever Bible you find, just make sure it is a Catholic translation! 
  • Catechism of the Catholic ChurchThe Catechism explains why we believe what we believe.  It may seem a little daunting to some, as it is a massive book, but it is the ultimate reference text for our faith!  I love the Baltimore Catechism as well. It is designed for children between 3rd and 8th grade, but I get a lot out of it every time I read from it. I highly recommend it for new Catholics! 
  • House Blessing- Get your home blessed by a priest! I can’t recommend this one enough. Not only is it great assurance, but it’s fun for the whole family! The priest will sprinkle holy water and say a prayer within each room of your house. Often times, the priest will join your family for dinner as well! 
  • Blessed Holy Water Holy water is to protect you from Satan. He hates holy water. Fill your favorite holy water fount and bless yourselves when you walk by. Every church should have holy water that you can dispense and bring home with you. You can sprinkle it throughout your entire house! 
  • Holy Salt– Salt can be blessed and placed under your window sills and under your doors to protect you from the outside world.
  • Saint Benedict Metals-  I highly recommend getting a hold of some St. Benedict medals if you’re struggling with anxiety or spiritual warfare. It is common practice to put one in each of the four corners of your home.  I’ve heard of people putting them underneath their rugs. No one can see them, but they’re there! Like all sacramentals, make sure to have them blessed by a priest!
  • Sacramentals– Sacramentals are religious objects (rosaries, metals, statues, etc.) that have been blessed by the Church. They are beautiful tools to help us grow closer to Christ. God gave us eyes because we are visual people. Having sacramentals are visual reminders of God’s presence in our lives!
  • Books- Some books that I recommend always having in the home include: The Pieta– packed full of incredible prayers, lots of devotions. I keep it with my bible for easy accessibility!  Deliverance Prayers– great if struggling with anxiety and spiritual warfare. The Imitation of Christ- every Christian should own this book; it is incredible.
  • Blessed Holy Candles- They are often seen as 3 day candles, as they will burn for 3 days!  Our family loves to light them during prayer time. Baptismal candles are also blessed candles! Don’t forget to have them blessed by a priest!

In Christ,

Heather Johnson

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Hi, I’m Heather! Welcome to this blog! I’m a Catholic YouTuber, wife, and mother to 5 beautiful children ages 4-13. My greatest joy is my vocation of being a wife, mother, homemaker, and home chef. My YouTube ministry is where I love spreading hope, joy, and encouraging all to love Christ with their whole hearts.

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