Faith in 5 Minutes

Faith in 5

Catechesis in 5 minutes

Printable Guides to Help you learn Catholic doctrine

Fun and Easy Ways to Learn
The Catholic Faith IN 5 minutes

Hello friends!  Thank you for visiting!  I’m so excited to share my new ministry, Faith in 5. It is a resource for helping families teach and learn the Catholic faith- in as little as 5 minutes a day!  Whether your family is new to the Faith or not, there is always something that can be learned!  It’s easy to get started- all you need to do is click below on the desired age group and either print the PDF or read it straight from your phone! Every week there will be a new document ready for you!  This is a free resource, so feel free to share it with family, friends, or even your Church! Please see below for more details on how to best use Faith in 5.


If interested in financially supporting Faith in 5, please click here

Ages 3-8

Ages 8-15

More Information

We encourage you to start with the first document and work your way through one at a time, and discuss one question every day.   The hope is that these help  teach the faith as well as provide fruitful conversations about how to live holy lives as a family. 

Every Sunday we will have a new Faith in 5.  But know that you can always recycle the older ones and repeat them as much as you would like! Go at your own pace.

The hope for these guides is to teach and reteach the faith (to children and adults!) over the course of a year.  We will discuss topics such as prayer, virtue, Saints, traditions, the Bible, the Catechism and so much more!

We are hoping that you can learn and talk about the faith for at least 5 mins a day or night.  Sometimes the kids might want to talk about these topics longer and that is encouraged!  We hope that they are fun ways to grow closer to each other and God.

You are welcome to give us ideas for Faith in 5!  Feel free to write the Faith in 5 Manager, Kate, at

Thank you so much for being interested in supporting this ministry.  All the money goes 100% back into this ministry.  To donate click the Patron link at the top of the page.

Hi, I’m Heather! Welcome to this blog! I’m a Catholic YouTuber, wife, and mother to 5 beautiful children ages 4-13. My greatest joy is my vocation of being a wife, mother, homemaker, and home chef. My YouTube ministry is where I love spreading hope, joy, and encouraging all to love Christ with their whole hearts.

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