The Best Saint Books for Kids

It is so fun having a Catholic section in our home library.  Adding more books over the years has been so helpful for encouraging our Catholic faith! It was reading saint books as a child that made me want to be a saint and live my life fully for God!  Their stories are so encouraging, and help us to grow in faith and virtue!  These are some of the books in my library that are about the saints, and we love them!  I also have a list of saint books for the pre-teen and teen. Click HERE to see that list. 

1) Lily Lolak Future Saint – This book is beautiful!  Not only are the pictures so cute, but the story is equally as adorable.  This is the story of a girl that really wants to be a saint!  She talks about how much she loves the different saints, and in the end realizes that she can be a saint with the gifts God has given her.  It is a sweet story and one of my favorites to read to the children!  I highly recommend adding this book to the family library. (10% off everything at Tan Books with the code CATHOLICMOM)

2) Light of the Saints–  This is a sweet book that not only talks about the saint but has your children interact with them as well.  With a flashlight, these stories come alive!  You can see pictures on the page when you hold a flashlight against the book.  This is exciting for kids, and it’s such a fun way to learn about the saints! (To find a discount code for Catholic Company click HERE

3) The Little Friar That Flew – This is the story of Saint Joseph Cupertino and how he would levitate because he was so holy!  It is a really fun and interesting story of his life and how he was so humble even though people would make such a big deal of this special gift God gave to him.  This is a fun read! (For a discount code for the Catholic Company click HERE)

4) One Holy Marriage – This book is amazing!  I personally feel like this would be a sweet wedding gift because it talks about the marriage of Saint Louis and Zelie Martin (St. Terese of Lisieux’s parents). This is the story of how they met and their life with each other. This book is so beautiful, and after reading it to my children I always want to have a better marriage!  (10% off with everything from Tan Books with the code CATHOLICMOM)

5) My Name is Philomena –  This is a beautiful story of Saint Philomena, the way she loved God was so clear in this book!  The pictures are beautiful and the story is a very interesting read too!  (10% off with entire order at Tan Books with code CATHOLICMOM)

6) The Hound of The Lord – this is a great saint book for little readers!  This is a easy chapter book great for 7 and up!  This book is about Saint Dominic and his little dog super cute!

***For my list of Saint books for teen and pre-teen click HERE

***For all my Catholic Discount codes click HERE

In Christ,

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Hi, I’m Heather! Welcome to this blog! I’m a Catholic YouTuber, wife, and mother to 5 beautiful children ages 4-13. My greatest joy is my vocation of being a wife, mother, homemaker, and home chef. My YouTube ministry is where I love spreading hope, joy, and encouraging all to love Christ with their whole hearts.

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