This year, we are going to have an All Saints Day Party with some of my awesome Catholic friends and their kids. In this post, I will share with you some ideas based off what we’re doing this year. But as a side note, know that you do not have to go all out. The most important part is to make sure we’re talking to our children about the saints and the meaning behind this awesome feast day. There are so many saint videos on Christian Kids TV on YouTube. You could watch one video about a saint every day, or you could could read about a new one every day! For my October checklist, click here!
The party will be at my house on All Saints Day at 3:30pm (right after school!). For your free copy of this ‘All Saint’s Day Party’ planner, click here.
Dress Up
I will encourage all the children who want to dress up like a saint to do so! I have a ton of costumes from the previous years, and we always recycle them! I did a Blog Post with so many fun Saint ideas CLICK HERE to read it. We have a priest costume that we used for St. Philip Neri, but it could also be swapped for St. John Vianney (or another saint who was a priest!) It is such a fun activity to do with your kids or grandkids! I use that crown for St. Lucy’s feast Day in December as well. And if you are looking for other wonderful saint costume ideas, follow me on my Pinterest here.
(below) This Our Lady of Guadalupe costume (below) was super easy! All I needed was a red long dress (we found this at the thrift store) and for the beautiful mantle I used a baby swaddle found here (plus 10% off with code acatholicmom10 ) I love how it turned out! Plus I can use the blanket for Our Lady of Guadalupe’s feast day! Zachary wanted to be St King Louis of France and this costume was perfect with the Fleur-De-Lis on the chest we got the costume HERE.

Bella got this beautiful St Therese costume from a good friend of ours who got it from Etsy. And Maria is going to be Mother Mary HERE is the one we have for her for all saints day this year! They are so cute! And for all my other costume ideas for All Saint’s Day Click Here.

Fun All Saint’s Day Party Decor
To go next level these cute All Saint’s Day Party Plates and Paper cups (plus 10% off with code CATHOLICMOMSLIFE) are so cute! These saint printable are free and so cute too! Plus lots of other fun ideas in this book (10% off with code CATHOLICMOMSLIFE)

Party Like a Saint has the most fun decorations for any party! They also have games, and party gift bags. They also have decorations for any kind of Catholic party! Check them our HERE plus 10% your entire order with code CATHMOM2024
These are my picks for amazing Saint Books my family loves! They encourage the faith and help children grow in virtue they are so good! Click HERE for my list.
The kids LOVE this interactive and unique book (picture below) called Light Of the Saints they need a flash light to see the secret pictures that share these saints lives.
And these Saint books (pictured below) are great for preteen & teens! They really do encourage great virtue and our Catholic faith! HERE is the link to these books.
We are going to do our party potluck style! I’m going to encourage all the moms to make a dish to share. We did the same thing for our St. Patrick’s Day Party, and it was super fun! I’m going to encourage moms to make something that will represent a saint. I have this terrific cookbook my mother-in-law gave me for my birthday, Cooking with the Saints, and I absolutely love it. It gives lots of yummy recipes and connects a saint with each recipe. For instance, I’m going to make the “Saint John the Baptist Honey Cake.” I think by doing this, it will help the different families think about what saints they want to represent in their food. It might help them get more excited about the process of All Saints Day!
Peg Doll Party
I’ve never done this before, but I have heard they are so fun! There are so many ways to have a peg doll party. Each family can make a bunch of peg dolls at home (typically every family is assigned a different Saint) and bring them in to exchange with everyone, OR you can get together and make the dolls as a group! Here is a good explanation from Catholic Icing. I plan on getting together with my friends and making them. I bought blank peg dolls from Michael’s and acrylic paint. Once they’re dry, we will Mod Podge them to give them a shiny finish. They’re so cute when they’re done, and the kids will have a blast playing with them! The picture of my saint peg dolls below is from a professional Punch and Judy Peg Dolls. Mine look nothing like these (I wish!) but it’s just to give you an idea:)

Party Favors
As a party favor this year, I am going to give away white candles (from dollar tree) in preparation for All Souls Day. The idea is that the families take the candles home and write the names of their deceased loved ones all over the candles with Sharpie. It’s encouraged to have all the candles blessed before handing them out, but if it doesn’t happen, that’s okay too. I will attach a little prayer with it as well. So in the morning on All Souls Day, the families can light the candle and say the prayer. Every time they walk by the candle, they can pray for their deceased loved ones—maybe offer up an Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be, etc.
Also of a more fun side you could give Saint Party Favors for the kids linked HERE.