Prepare For Lent

Lent is the time of the year when we draw closer to God through mortification, prayer, and fasting if you would like to write down your plans for your family HERE is a free printable(pictured below). It can be a beautiful time for self-reflection and developing a closer relationship with Jesus. It can also be a little stressful if we enter unprepared! Having a game plan for Lent allows us to enter the season unhurried. Instead of feeling stressed about what you’re going to give up or what you’re doing for Easter, planning in advance will help feel calm and prepared. 

I’d like to share with you how I prepare for Lent as a mom of five. I’m a huge fan of checklists, so I do suggest writing things down if you can. Having a visual aid really helps HERE is my checklist if you want to print it off. Here are some things I like to plan or start thinking about before Lent begins:

1. Plan Your Devotions — Do you know what you’ll be reading every day? Perhaps you have a devotional you’d like to use, Bible or you plan on reading a spiritual book. Plan now, so you don’t start too late!  HERE are my favorites Catholic Lenten books.  For more ideas of wonderful devotions such as Stations of the Cross and so much more click HERE

2. Schedule Quiet Time — Lent is a great time to carve out some quiet time for self-reflection or prayer. You can even just sit in silence with the Lord — no agenda, just allow the Holy Spirit to speak to you. Plan a time you can aside a few moments for yourself. 

3. Purchase Purple Cloth — If you walk into a parish during Lent, the first thing you’ll probably notice is that the sacramentals are covered. This is a powerful reminder of the absence of Christ from the world, and it builds our anticipation for Easter. If you plan on doing this in your home, purchase purple cloth before Lent starts.  I bought this cloth from the fabric area at Walmart for Holy Week.

4. Talk to Your Children – Talk to your children about Lent before Lent starts! Explain why we celebrate Lent and answer any questions they may have. If you are looking for more Lent activities for your family, I have a whole list of great ideas like the Sacrifice Jar (pictured below) to read how to do this activity read HERE, My children love it! 

5. Plan Ash Wednesday — Which Ash Wednesday mass will you attend? Check out the times in your area so Ash Wednesday doesn’t sneak up on you!

6. Find Stations of the Cross –– If you plan on attending stations, find out what times the parishes in your area will be holding them. Also, many parishes serve a free meatless meal after Stations of the Cross, such as soup or a fish fry. If you attend one of those, dinner is done! If you have little ones or want to do stations in your home I have a whole page if ideas for little one click HERE to see that Blog. 

7. Go to Confession — Lent is the perfect time to go to confession. It’s ideal if you can make confession once a month, but at a minimum, try to go during Lent and Advent. Write down confession times in your area and keep it handy.  Here is a full guide that will walk you through confession if it’s been awhile.  Please keep in mind this is a Catholic Sacrament only for Catholic’s.

8. Create New Meatless Meals- Lent is a great time to add some new meatless meals to your rotation.  I have sooo many meatless meal recipes on my blog but click HERE for my best recipes. Below is a picture of some of the recipes trust me you will love them!

9. Brainstorm Holy Week Activities — Do you plan on attending Holy Thursday or washing feet at home? Do you want to attend Good Friday services or do something special on Holy Saturday, such as painting eggs? Brainstorm holy week plans in advance. I like to do my spring cleaning in the very beginning of Holy Week to prepare my home for Easter.  Here is my blog with EVERYTHING we do as a Catholic family for Holy Week and and a video from my YouTube channel. 

10. Finalize Easter Plans — What will you be serving for Easter brunch? Will you be hosting anyone? Do you have your children’s Easter outfits picked out? Don’t wait too long to start thinking about your Easter plans!

11. Buy Easter Gifts If you are buying gifts for your children’s baskets, try to purchase everything before Lent begins.  I find that doing this really helps me stay focused during Lent.  Here are my ideas for the cutest Catholic gifts if you want some ideas. 

It’s okay if you don’t have everything on this list figured out before Lent! Even if you only pick one or two things listed here, you’ll still enter Lent more prepared than the year before. I hope this has been helpful. If you have any other Lenten preparation ideas, feel free to drop a comment below!

For more details check my video below!

In Christ,

Heather Johnson

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Hi, I’m Heather! Welcome to this blog! I’m a Catholic YouTuber, wife, and mother to 5 beautiful children ages 4-13. My greatest joy is my vocation of being a wife, mother, homemaker, and home chef. My YouTube ministry is where I love spreading hope, joy, and encouraging all to love Christ with their whole hearts.

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