Our Holy Week and Easter Traditions

Holy Week will look different for all of us, but generally, it is a time for additional prayer, reflection, preparation, and fasting. It may include confession and/or stations of the cross. There are so many wonderful teachable moments for our children during Holy Week and Lent. In this article, I will share with you some of our family’s Holy Week and Easter traditions and what helps keep us focused!

My Holy Week Checklist

The Easter Story Egg

Starting on Palm Sunday after Mass, our family begins The Easter Story Egg by Natalie Ard. It’s a beautiful book that comes with seven stackable Easter eggs. Each day a new egg is uncovered with a sweet story that follows along with it. 

Spring Cleaning ~ Holy WEek

I borrowed this idea from Catholic All Year by Kendra Tierney. In her book, she recommends spending Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of Holy Week deep cleaning the house. Here is my free printable spring cleaning checklist!  We started this tradition last year and absolutely love it! We have found it to be a terrific way to prepare for Easter- our kids get involved and it helps everyone remain focused.  We also watch the movie Prince of Egypt this week. It’s my family’s favorite—trust me, it is sooo good! 

Some other activities I will do at the beginning of Holy week include shop for last minute Easter gifts, grocery shop for the week’s menu, have more intense prayer (maybe adoration, or an extra Rosary), lay out Easter outfits (check out my favorite dresses here & below), and make sure I have dresses, shoes, tights, ties and anything else that might be needed for Easter morning. I like to lay everything out on my bed and make sure every outfit is complete! Another idea is to give all the kids hair cuts this week. 

Also it is great to finish up Easter Basket shopping if you have any last minute things you want to get now would be a great time to get them!  HERE are my ideas for Catholic Easter baskets come pictured below.

Holy Thursday

On Holy Thursday morning, I will make unleavened bread with Bella (or buy some at the store.)  We will set up the table for a special candlelit dinner with candles, bread, and grape juice in the middle of the table. If the children are at good ages, we go to Mass as a family and afterwards, we draw names and wash each other’s feet! This is such a wonderful tradition for our children. They can really envision what it was like for Jesus! It’s an excellent way for our kids to practice loving each other. The kids also get a special serving of grape juice during their dinner on Holy Thursday! In addition, my husband and I spend extra time reflecting on the readings.

Another idea for Holy Thursday

  • Watch the movie Paul, Apostle of Jesus Christ this is an amazing movie that makes me want to be holy! 
  • Have the kids do a Last Supper play based on the Gospel readings. 

Good Friday

*** Remember, Good Friday is a day of fasting.

On Good Friday, we will do our last Stations of the Cross during Lent. My husband and I will also watch The Passion of Christ once the kids go to bed.

Also, the Divine Mercy Novena starts Good Friday!  Here is how to pray this novena.  You can also get a printable copy here.

Other Good Friday activities: 

Holy Saturday

As a family, we try to keep Holy Saturday quiet. We will dye Easter eggs, get the spring decorations out, and maybe take the kids to the park.  I also try to get all my food prepped so that I don’t have to do much on Easter. Holy Saturday is a great night to have a bonfire where you can read scriptures and talk about Jesus being the light of the world.

Easter Sunday

Everyone is super excited when they wake up on Easter morning! As soon as the kids are awake, it’s time to search for hidden Easter eggs and baskets! Shortly after, the kids will make resurrection rolls (yummy marshmallow filled crescent rolls that when cooked, the marshmallow disappears!) Then we will have brunch my Eggs Benedict Quiche is super easy and yummy! Also the night before I will make this amazing Blueberry French Toast casserole After breakfast, it’s time for Mass and a family picture. Then, the afternoon and dinner spent with more family! 

For free Holy week planning

Just click Here.

There are so many wonderful teachable moments for our children during Holy week and Lent. Thank you for letting me share some of our family traditions with you! What are some of your family traditions during this special week?

Have a blessed Holy Week and Happy Easter!

In Christ,

Heather Johnson

2 Responses

  1. Great ideas! Thankyou so much.
    Love your ministry Heather, has been so helpful for me and our family. God bless you and your family.

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Hi, I’m Heather! Welcome to this blog! I’m a Catholic YouTuber, wife, and mother to 5 beautiful children ages 4-13. My greatest joy is my vocation of being a wife, mother, homemaker, and home chef. My YouTube ministry is where I love spreading hope, joy, and encouraging all to love Christ with their whole hearts.

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