Our Catholic Home Blessing

When I was younger, I used to watch a show on the Discovery channel about haunted houses. I would gather around with friends I was in ministry with, and we would watch as various people came to a home and attempted to rid it of whatever ghosts had laid claim there. I was always struck by the fact that only a priest could truly banish the lingering unclean spirits. White witches and Protestant pastors tried but failed. Only a Catholic priest was successful, and that is because of the authority that God gives his priests. 

There are just some situations that call for a priest, and a home blessing is one of them.

When a priest blesses your home, he places your house under the authority of God. Your family will receive graces, and your home will be freed from any unwanted spirits that may have been there from the previous owners. (Not all are of the haunted house variety, and it doesn’t hurt to get a blessing!) 

We had our home blessed shortly after we moved in, and it was a wonderful way to get to know a priest while we were new in the area. We served him dinner and ended up talking for a few hours. Our children got to know him, and seeing a priest in such a normal setting helps children understand that priests are just ordinary people that called to an extraordinary vocation. 

If you’re interested in getting your home blessed, call your parish and ask to set up an appointment to have a home blessing. It is customary to serve dinner or present a small gift, but you don’t have to. However, if you do serve food, it’s a wonderful way to get know your priest! Once the blessing starts, the priest will begin reciting prayers and will bless every room in the home with holy water. This is also a great time to have rosaries or holy images blessed.

We really enjoyed having our home blessed. How about you, friends? Have you ever had your home blessed before? Do you have any tips for hosting a priest? Drop a comment below! 

In Christ,

Heather Johnson

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