May Crowning

May Crowning is a traditional Catholic devotion that honors Mary as the mother of  Jesus and queen of Heaven and Earth.  Though the Blessed Mother is honored all year long, May is specifically dedicated to Our Lady. Many Catholic Churches will have a beautiful May crowning ceremony with a procession where a crown of flowers are placed on Mother Mary’s head and more flowers are placed at her feet. It is fun for families to celebrate the tradition in their homes as well! May crownings can be celebrated anytime during the month of May, but I particularly like to do ours on Mother’s Day. What better way to celebrate Mother’s Day than to share it with Our Lady?!

For our family’s May Crowning ceremony, we like to bring Our Blessed Mother a crown of flowers and kneel before her and say a Rosary. We try to say a rosary before her as often as we can during May! Afterwards, we make a Rosary cake and use M&ms for the beads (we use lots of blue since it’s Mary’s favorite color!) The kids absolutely love helping with the cake- everyone takes turns placing the beads (m&ms)! We like to serve the cake with ice cream, since they only get it on special occasions! While the kids each their cake, we talk about Mary! 

What do you and your family like to do for the May Crowning?

In Christ,

Heather Johnson

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