Back to School ~ Giveaway
*** The winner is @caeli_gianluca_mattias from Instagram! *** Can you believe school is around the corner? To celebrate the start of the school year, I have a back to school giveaway, with lots of great teaching/learning tools to help little ones understand the Catholic faith better. To win this giveaway, all you need to do is head to the comment section and tell me who your favorite saint is! There is also a chance to win on my Facebook and another on Instagram. One winner will win all of the items below. Winners will be picked on August 15, 2023.
Spirit of Truth Student workbook Kindergarten homeschool edition by Sophia institute.
Spirit of Truth The blessed Trinity Homeschool book by Sophia Institute
Light of Saints book by Word on Fire
The Alphabet DVD (while learning the Catholic Faith) by Brother Francis
Jesus puzzle 48 pieces by Shining Light Dolls
Rosary Pop It by Gather and Pray
Rise Up Shine with Virtue (Children Devotional) by Blessed Is She
162 Responses
Padre Pio is my favorite Saint because he gives me a deeper understanding of saint hood.
St. Jude the Apostle
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton!
St. Thérèse of Lisieux! <3
St. Augustine.
St Germaine cucine
St. Anne!
St. Mary Magdalene, the first witness of the resurrection ????
St Monica
St. Faustina
This is hard. I called on St. Monica for my children’s conversion, but St. Jude is definitely the saint I’m calling on daily right now!
St Rose of Lima!
Saint Philip Neri because my 4 year old enjoys the stories of his sense of humor. Especially on the Saints Alive podcast
Saint Anthony ????????????
St. Faustina is one of my favorite saints, because when I learned she was developing feelings for someone it was my first time realizing the saints are like us!
St. Ignatius of Loyola. Both of my sons went to Loyola College Prep and received a wonderful. Catholic education. I am inspired by this saint’s story of conversion. “Go forth and set the world on fire”!
The Blessed Virgin Mary is my favorite saint.
St Benedict!
My favorite saint is Hildegard von Bingen. I love listening to the beautiful music she wrote that was inspired by God.
My favorite saint is Saint Gianna Beretta Molla!
Fav saint is St Mother Teresa. We work with the Missionaries of Charity abroad. Beautiful experience.
St. Therese
Blessed Anne Marie Taigi! I find her so relatable!
St. Anne is my favorite saint. When I have no help and I need to get so many things done at home I pray for her to help me with my children and she ALWAYS comes through for me.
St Joseph as my father and Blessed Virgin mary as my mother without forgetting all other brother and sister saints.(It’s very difficult to pick one since there are many favorite Saints).
St. Frances Cabrini
My favorite Saint is ST. THERESE OF LISIEUX!!
St. Martha
We have quite a few favorite saints in our family but we always go to mother Lady of Guadalupe in difficult situations.
Mama Mary is my favorite saint! But I have many: St. Gerard, Therese, Jacinta, Lucia. So many.
Saint Mary Magdalene!
St. Teresa of Calcutta, pray for us!
St. Joseph of Cupertino
Saint Anne. How blessed she was to have Mary as a daughter and Jesus as her grandson.
St. Gianna is my favorite!
St. Maria Goretti
Saint Catherine of Sienna!
The little flower ???? ????
SO many have touched my life in different ways it’s tough to pick one, but I’ve always felt a deep respect and love for Saint Mother Teresa. Perhaps because she was a living saint of my childhood I grew up learning about. <3
Surely a favorite of many, Therese of Lisieux is my pick! As a mother I definitely feel like I am given plenty of opportunities to live out my faith in the little way.
My favorite saint is St. Monica, the patron saint of mothers!
It’s sooooo hard to pick a favorite, but if I have to I would say St Therése has been especially helpful in my life!
My favorite Saint is Saint Sharbel! Most miraculous and always pointing us to Jesus
saint Therese
Hello! Saint Monica is one of my favorite saints because she is the patron saint of motherhood. As a mother of two under two, I need all the guidance I can get ????????
St. Gianna
My favorite Saint is St. Joseph because he is the protector of our church and families.
My favorite saint is of course, the Blessed Mother. I also love St. Gerard Majella and many others.
St. Gianna Beretta Molla is my fave saint!
St. Zelie, I’m trying to raise little saints and I hope that she is guiding me.
Saint Therése of Lisieux the saint of the little way. Do small things with great love.
Our Lady is definitely my favorite!
Saint Peter is my favorite! (: I love his story and his love for Jesus.
St. Agnes!
St Mary Magdalene ♥️
St. Catherine of Sienna!
St. Therese of Lisieux! She has helped me grow a deeper relationship with God and our Blessed Mother.
Saint Benedict, he protects you from all evil
St. Thérèse of Lisieux
Padre Pío ????
Saint Therese because I feel a kinship with her!
St. Bernadette is mine. I was always a dancing, singing, stage kid, but when I was young I was struck with her beautiful humility. I feel she’s always helping to balance my personality.
St. Teresa of Avila for her sense of humor and ability to not take herself too seriously, remembering God is God and we are not!
St. Mary Magdalene is my favorite saint because I love her story and her relationship with God.
So hard to choose but I would say St Thérèse of Lisieux!
St. Anne is my favorite saint. When I have no help and I need to get so many things done at home I pray for her to help me with my children and she ALWAYS comes through for me.
My favorite Saint at this time is St. Zellie Martin, as I’m a mom to three littles and one of the way:)
Also shoutout to fellow NETters, Heather! I served ‘09-‘11. Amazing formation for my life!
St. Therese of Liseux
St. Theresa of Avila
St Bernadette!
St. Anne, “so rich in graces”, is my favorite Saint. She is a beautiful Saint that reminds me as a mother why it is important to not only give others, but also ourselves Grace. I have felt drawn to her like I have my own Grandmother named Anne. She gave herself to God and is a testament to the divine and unique role we have as women.
St. Augustine – “Our hearts are restless until they rest in You.”
St. Augustine of Hippo!????
Saint Frances of Rome! we even named our daughter Frances after her.
St Philomena, Patron Saint of babies, children and youth
As a mother and teacher, her love and protection for children resonates with me!
St. Gianna Molla
St. Katharine Drexel
St. Thérèse of Lisieux is my favorite saint. Because of her and her “little way” I’ve found God and beauty in every little thing on my daily life and I’m started doing ordinary things with extraordinary love.
Saint Leila. I am new to the Catholoc faith and enjoy all the information you provide. I appreciate learning from other Catholic moms!
St. Gemma!
My family is Polish so I’ve always had a strong connection to Saint John Paul II. I have so much to learn from him!
St. Joseph! As someone who grew up with a absent father, he became the key to healing my father wound.
St Cecelia!
My favorite saint is St Anthony. My husband and I met at St Anthony’s High School and he is my favorite heavenly friend whenever I lose my phone or lose my focus on the Lord ????????????
Saint Maria Goretti is my favorite saint because of her strength and incredible forgiveness
St Joan of Arc
I love St Brigid
St. Imelda!
St.Bernadette of Lisue
I had never picked a favorite saint, until this spring as a family we prayed the consecration novena to St. Joseph and what a blessing it was, He is now my favorite Saint!
St. Therese the Little flower and St. Porphyrios!
St. Anthony! I rarely lose anything and when I do, I find it almost immediately when I realize it’s lost. He’s always had my back even before he was my patron Saint! (I’m a convert :D)
My favorite Saint is the not-well-known Elisabeth Leseur who suffered greatly physically but remained truly humble. She prayed faithfully for her atheist husband Felix, and succeeded, after her death, in her petitions to our Lord for his conversion and he became a priest! You won’t find medals of her but I love her nonetheless.
St. Bernard of Clairvaux – expanded on Augustine’s “Just War” theory. Have been leading his life lately as it pertains to a Catholic historical fiction book I am writing. Hope to share the knowledge with my kids one day! My wife does an awesome job with homeschool and I know would love to have these things for our kids in the giveaway. Thanks for what you do!
Saint Kateri!
St Joseph of Cupertino because he wasn’t the brightest but had such simplicity, a great love for God, and did work that was lowly. He also passed his test on becoming a priest by only knowing 1 passage in the bible
My favorite saint is Padre Pio of Pietrelcina. Thank you for all you do, love learning with you to be not just a righteous Catholic, but a wonderful catholic wife and mom!!
Saint Maria Michaela is my favorite saint. She left wealth and was looked down on for helping others. Pray for me Maria Michaela.
St. Gemma
St. Francis of Assisi
Saint Therese of the Child Jesus, her little way is so inspiring!
My favorite saint is Saint Zelie! She’s such a beautiful example of what motherhood should be and so relatable.
Saint Therese is mine. It blessed Anna Maria Taigi is ever canonized then she will be my favorite.
Oh so many have a special space in my heart. But I’d say Padre Pio
. Our 1st daughter named Gabriella Pia because since I knew I was pregnant with her, I asked for his Intercesion after having had a miscarriage and 10 years of infertility. We are truly blessed in this rich faith!!
My favorite saint is St Theresa .
St Padre pio
My favorite saint is St Theresa the little flower ????.
Hard to choose one, St. Faustina, St. Bridget of Sweden and St. Philomena ????
st. Monica – my confirmation saint chosen as a teen for perseverance in prayer – who would have guessed the other things she would help me through – marriage difficulties, addictions, and much more.
St. Gertrude of Nivelles
Saint John Paul II ????????
Saint Philomena! Before I was converted to Catholicism I had studied about her and I believe she helped me and my husband join the church. This past Easter when we were confirmed I choose her for my patron Saint… little did I know I was expecting at this time. Lol it took us 10 years to conceive our first child who is turning 3 soon so it was a shock but a very good one
Saint Faustina and the entire Divine Mercy message/devotion!
St. Augustine.
Patron saint of my mom’s hometown Tanza, Cavite in the Philippines. Every year on August 28, we would visit our grandparents and have a fiesta. People would line the streets in a parade taking turns carrying a life size statue of St. Augustine, dancing and praying for his intercession.
My favourite saint is John Paul II.
St Joseph!
St. Jude!
St Benedict our family protector
Saint Joseph
Saint Nicholas and the Blessed Mother
My favorite saint is St. Elizabeth of Hungary.
She has such a beautiful life that both married and single women and girls can imitate! It’s so beautiful that she lived not in one vocation but lived two! Even during her marriage she lived the way a religious sister would and lived and took vows after her husband’s death. A attribute that I find admirable in especially female saints is to not take part in vanity. She was so beautiful and as a widow she had many suitors and she disliked their attention that she contemplated on disfiguring her face by cutting her nose and was told by her spiritual director not to do so. There are so many beautiful events of her life. Like the time she had a sick poor person on her bed to tend after and when her husband saw him he saw Christ and not a poor sick beggar. St Elizabeth pray for us! Viva Cristo Rey! Salve María!
Saint Mary Magdalene
Saint Francis of Assisi ????️
My favorite saint is St Gianna Molla. She truly chose me in that her feast day is my birthday although I didn’t find this out until adulthood! I relate to her struggles and I named my little girl after her. She is incredibly inspirational.
My favorite saint is my patron saint, Virgin Mary. She’s been guiding me to her Son my entire life, before I even knew she could (I’m a convert haha).
Saint Faustina is my favorite saint!
St. Monica is my favorite saint
Our Lady of Guadalupe.????????
St. Rita of Cassia!
St. Francis of Assisi because we all need to be as humble as he is.
St. Therese of Lisieux is my favorite. She always finds her “little way” to remind me that she is with me.
Saint Cecilia ????
My patrons are Our Lady of Knock and Our Lady of Mount Carmel.
I also have an affinity for St. Therese of Lisieux and St. Philomena
St. Bernadette!
St. Clare — my namesake! ????
I love St Jude so much I named my eldest son after him ???? but I also love St Cecilia patron saint of music ????
St. Monica
St. Monica
Oh this is perfect for the ages of my kids! How exciting!
It’s hard to pick but the first Saint that came to mind is St. Augustine. I just relate so much to his journey. Not the debauchery, perhaps, but the doubt and rebellion. Then the absolute love and devotion he felt towards Christ, how he epitomizes ‘from sinner to saint,’ makes me want to emulate him. He reminds me that we’re all on our own journey.
St Zelie Martin. So much to learn from her in raising up holy children and in growing in holiness with spouse. Recently I ordered the book ‘A call to deeper love’ which is a collection of letters between her and St Louis Martin. When it arrived, I was happily surprised to see that it came right on her feast day. I trust it to be a sign of her heavenly intercession.
St Joseph
St. Monica
St. Gianna- heard us on our journey to having a family. St. Clare is my confirmation Saint.
My favorite saint is “ St Dymphna” patron for mental illness . My aunt used to suffer from mental illness and she would pray
St. Paul
I’m new to this so I prayed and my favorite Saint is Padre Pío. Thank you.
St Mary Magdalene
St. Joan of Arc
honestly its so hard to choose bc I love all of the saints but if I had to choose one it would be St. Jospeh! ..St. Jospeh pray for us..
St. Dymphna.
Saint Mónica (Mother of Saint Augustine)
St. Gianna Beretta Molla
St. Jude
Our Blessed Mother, St. John Paul II, and St. Faustina.

It’s so hard to choose just one.
I have three favorites! ????
Saint Joan of Arc – so brave!
Saint Faustina
Mother Theresa – so faithful!
Saints in Heaven, pray for us!
St Martin of Porres
our favorite Saint is Carlos Acutis. My children can relate to him and are absolutely fascinated with the Eucharistic Miracles he shares.
Saint Maria Goretti
Such a great giveaway! My favorite saint is St Teresa of Calcutta.
I have many favourite saints, but I tend to always say St. Emilia, mother of saints!
St. Thérèse of Lisieux