Easter & Holy Week For Catholic Families

As a Catholic Mom these are the things I use during Holy Week to help keep my family focused on Jesus.

Monday-Wednesday of Holy Week

The Easter Story Egg– My mom gave us this and it is a great activity for the family.  Open one egg a day and read the message in the book that will bring you closer to understanding Jesus and Holy Week!  Click HERE to get the link. 

Celebrating A Holy Catholic Easter – This book walks you through some great customs and devotions for the Lent and Easter Season! Click HERE to get the link. 

Plan Your Week – This is a great time to finish all the planning for Holy Week.  I have these free planners HERE if you would like to print them out. This is super helpful to not miss anything. 

Spring Clean – Holy Week is a great time to spring clean your entire house or as much as you can!  It is a great way to bring the Easter season with a clean house!  HERE is my free printable! 

Holy Thursday

Washing of the Feet – This is a great day to honor your family members and have everyone pick names and wash there feet.  We do this every year and my family love this act of love for one another.  

Breaking Bread – Before dinner and after washing feet we read the readings for Holy Thursday Mass to the kids.  While my husband reads the reading we will have special bread bought from the local bakery (you could always make it too) and grape juice and candle lit table.  This is really special for the the kids and us!  We love making family memories like this!

Last Supper Picture of Plague – Now is a great time to take out a picture of the Last Supper if you have one.  I love this one from House of Joppa is is classy and perfect for Holy Thursday and all of Holy Week.  

Good Friday

Divine Mercy Novena – This is a powerful novena!  Many Catholic’s do this novena and it starts on Good Friday and ends Divine Mercy Sunday.  If you would love to learn how to do this novena click HERE.

Stations of the Cross – On ‘Good Friday’ it is a great time to do the Stations of the Cross with your family.  This devotion is amazing it is very sad but so beautiful!  Also you might want to put purple cloth on your sacramentals as a sign of mourning.

Easter Saturday

Make the Easter/Paschal Candle– with easy-to-follow instructions, my kids loved making these Candles last year and we hope to do it again this year!  Click HERE to check them out! 

Easter Shrink Wrap Egg Sleeves – These are perfect to make the cutest Easter Eggs for Easter morning.  We do our Eggs Saturday Evening. Click HERE to get the link to these eggs. 

Easter Jesus Gummy Eggs – These are great if don’t want a mess but you still want your Easter Eggs to be super cute!  These eggs come with butterfly gummy too!  Here is the link and if you use the code ACATHOLICMOMSLIFE you get 10% off your order!  Lots of Easter gifts from this Catholic store! 

Easter Table – We set the table and get out all the Easter Spring decor for Easter on the Saturday before Easter.  We will set up the beautiful table settings for Easter Morning!  I love this one but any thing that is cheerful and beautiful will do!  More decor ideas HERE.

Easter Lamb– did you know that many Polish families have a Lamb for there Easter table  the little Lamb represents Easter which has a cross flag which represents Christ resurrection and victory over death and palms.  Isn’t that cute!  Just have him as a center piece at your table for Easter morning. Click HERE to get this link. 

Easter Sunday!

Easter Morning– the kids find Easter Baskets and Easter Eggs then we will eat some of the hard boiled Eggs before we get ready for Easter Mass!  After Mass we go to Nona and Papas for brunch!  and the rest of the day is just resting!

Easter Basket Gifts – If you are looking for good Catholic Easter Gift ideas I have lots of ideas HERE they are for kids of all ages boys and girls! 

Easter and Holy Week for Catholics

In Christ,

Heather Johnson

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Hi, I’m Heather! Welcome to this blog! I’m a Catholic YouTuber, wife, and mother to 5 beautiful children ages 4-13. My greatest joy is my vocation of being a wife, mother, homemaker, and home chef. My YouTube ministry is where I love spreading hope, joy, and encouraging all to love Christ with their whole hearts.

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