Bringing Holiness Into Your Home

Are you looking for more ways to bring holiness into your home? I’d like to give you some easy ways we can help our children and spouse focus on God. 

1. Incorporate Family Prayers

Do you currently say prayers as a family? If not, give it a try! It doesn’t have to take long, and it’s a beautiful tradition to add to your family. If you say prayers in the evening, they can easily become a part of your nightly routine. We pray with our children every night, and when we are finished, they brush their teeth and head off to bed. Nightly prayer has become so normal for us, that we pray even if we are on vacation or driving home at night. 

We have each child say what they need or what they are grateful for, followed by one decade of the rosary. We close with one St. Michael prayer and one Guardian Angel prayer. You can try any variation of this or add something else. Have fun with it, and make it your own!

2. Go to Mass Every Sunday

Attending Mass every Sunday creates a strong foundation of faith for your children, and it’s such a beautiful way to raise your family.  While attending Mass is a precept of our church, you don’t need to receive communion every week.  What’s most important is that you’re there!

3. Have a House Blessing

Having your house blessed is a surefire way to bring holiness into your home! We had our house blessed, and it was such a neat experience for the kids. We had dinner with our priest before he went around each room with holy water, blessing our entire home. It was a great way to get to know him, and the children really enjoyed it. 

4. Display The Sacred Heart of Jesus

Hanging an image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in your home reminds us just how deeply Jesus loves us. I love that his heart is burning with love for us! Having your home enthroned to the Sacred Heart can also bring many blessings to your family. When we enthrone our home, it is as if we are saying, “Jesus, we love you, and we want you to be the center of our home. Be the the king of our home.” 

To learn more about enthroning your home, you can read more here. 

5. Consecrate Your Family to Mary

Have you ever consecrated yourself or your children to Mary? A consecration can be done once a year, and it’s a wonderful way to deepen your relationship with God.  Now, some might ask, why not go to Jesus directly? Remember that Mary always leads us to her son! Her mission is to bring us closer to Jesus. There are many promises attached to the consecration — Mary promises to take care of everyone around you. 

If you’re interested, I used this book for my own personal consecration and this book for our family consecration. 

6. Keep Spiritual Books Handy

Have a plethora of Catholic spiritual books around. I also recommend reading chapter books about the saints with your children! The more your children learn about the saints, the more they will understand virtue and will want to be saints.   Here are are some of my favorite Catholic Books click HERE. 

7. Have a Beautiful & Holy Marriage

Children notice when their parents are in love with each other. I know marriage isn’t easy, but make it a priority to let your children see you and your spouse showing affection with one another! Date your husband. Flirt with and compliment him in front of your kids. This gives your children a firm foundation. Marriage is a time to die to yourself. Whether that’s hard for you, or easy, make sure to put your spouse first. 

In Christ,

Heather Johnson

2 Responses

  1. You have truly inspired me to get deeper in my Catholic faith and I love it. So glad I came across your YouTube.

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Hi, I’m Heather! Welcome to this blog! I’m a Catholic YouTuber, wife, and mother to 5 beautiful children ages 4-13. My greatest joy is my vocation of being a wife, mother, homemaker, and home chef. My YouTube ministry is where I love spreading hope, joy, and encouraging all to love Christ with their whole hearts.

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