Preparing for Holy Week

Hi, friends! Holy Week is right around the corner, and I’d like to share some tips to make this time as smooth as possible. I’ll list some things you can start doing now to prepare for Holy Week and Easter. Planning in advance will allow you to focus on prayer and meditation during Holy Week, especially during the Triduum. Here are some ideas to get you started:

1. MONDAY, TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY of Holy Week – this is when I Deep Clean! The beginning of Holy week is a great time to get your spring cleaning done. I have always wanted to set those days apart, but until recently I was never really sure what to do since there are no services those days. Then I realized those could be great days to prepare your house for Easter! This is a great time to get to those tasks that we often put off, such as cleaning your oven and fridge. If you want to step it up and make it meditative, consider cleaning in silence. 

2. Go to Confession — Lent is a great time to make a good confession! One of the precepts of the church is that we must attend confession once a year, and it is recommended we go during Lent. This is a great way to start fresh, and I always leave feeling so clean and pure. Lent is already about ridding ourselves of the things that keep us from being closer to Christ, and confession is a great way to examine our conscience and reconcile ourselves with Christ!  Here is a guide for confession. 

4. Prepare for Holy Thursday — Will you be attending Holy Thursday services? The Triduum will have services everyday, they are optional however highly recommended because they are so powerful!  It’s best to decide before Holy Thursday which services you want to attend. Holy Thursday is the washing of the feet. If you have littles, you can always do it at home! We have done this for each other at home before.

It’s also traditional in our family to have some sort of bread and grape juice while my husband reads the readings to all of us, we explain that this is not the same as the eucharist but it is a way for the kids to have an experience through their senses.  When the kids are older we will be attending Mass which is much better!  And there is a good chance we will do both!

5. Prepare for Good Friday — How will you spend Good Friday? Can you take the day off? Would you like to attend the veneration of the cross? Are you able to watch The Passion of Christ? (My husband I watch this every year, though usually without the kids due to it’s graphic nature.) There are a lot of ways to reflect on Jesus’ death, so pick whatever works for you. 

One thing we all must do as Catholics this day is fast. Fasting is not optional if you are of age and healthy, so try to plan which meal will be your largest. We are allowed two small meals or snacks (not totaling more than one meal if combined) and one normal size meal that day. If this is hard, don’t worry — it’s supposed to be. We are all suffering together! At a minimum, fast and try to have some quiet time on Good Friday.

Also on Friday pray the Divine Mercy Novena!  The Divine Mercy Novena starts on Good Friday and ends on Divine Mercy Sunday. Decide before Good Friday if you will be praying the novena so you can be prepared. This is a really beautiful tradition. I highly suggest you give it a try! To print out this full  novena CLICK HERE

6. Prepare for Holy Saturday — Plan in advance what sort of activities, if any, you would like to do on Holy Saturday. We dye eggs on Holy Saturday, and we recently started the new tradition of making a Paschal Candle. The kids absolutely love making this! If you’re interested in getting your own kit, you can find one just click here for the link.

Then we dye Easter Eggs as a family the kids us a white coloring crayon and draw pictures or write messages then dye them with this natural dye.   If it is nice out we do this outside so I don’t have to worry too much about spills:)

7.  Finalize Easter Plans — To make Easter morning less stressful, decide on the following things before hand. What will you eat for your Easter meal? What will the kids wear to Easter mass? What time will you attend mass? We enjoy making resurrection rolls on Easter morning. They symbolize Christ in the tomb and are so delicious! 

Here are the 3 recipes I use every Easter morning.  I like having the same recipes because they are amazing to eat but also Im hoping the kids will have these as part of there childhood memories, we are really big on traditions in our family.  I make Egg Benedict quiche, the most amazing Blueberry French Toast casserole, and Berries.  The video below shows how to make each one!  Including Resurrection Rolls:)

Click HERE for all the links to the Easter Basket ideas below!

Click HERE to print out this Holy Week Planner.

I hope these tips have helped and that you have a fruitful Holy Week and a Happy Easter!

In Christ,

Heather Johnson

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Hi, I’m Heather! Welcome to this blog! I’m a Catholic YouTuber, wife, and mother to 5 beautiful children ages 4-13. My greatest joy is my vocation of being a wife, mother, homemaker, and home chef. My YouTube ministry is where I love spreading hope, joy, and encouraging all to love Christ with their whole hearts.

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