My personal prayer life has evolved over the years. But one thing has always stayed the same I use the P.A.L. method. A Method I learns when I was on NET Ministry years ago and it was so beneficial that I still use it today! Let me explain it…
PRAISE is for the P – Praise is thanking God for who he is and what he has done for you out of love. Some ideas of praise is Thank you God for dying on the cross for me, thank you for my faith, thank you for my families health and so on! Also going to Holy Mass, Praise and Worship are great ways to praise God.
Ask is for A – Asking God what what you need, your desires and prayers for others who need help. It’s important to ask big and have faith that God is listening to you and He will answer you in ways that will be best for your soul! God loves you so much and wants the best for you! Other prayers that are considered petition prayers are the Rosary and the Divine Mercy Chaplet.
Listen is for L – Listening to God is so important! For me it is the hardest of the prayers but the best way to connect to Jesus. A great way to listen to God is through reading the Bible or a Spiritual books and also probably the most important is silence so he can reveal himself to you!
Along with they prayer I read these prayers daily feel free to print them out HERE.
Here is everything I use for my prayer time (pictured below).
Click HERE for the links to the Rosary’s below.

2 Responses
Hello Heather, I use this same method but I also recite the Angelus at 6 am, noon and 6pm
Yes! Such a great thing to do! My mom and dad do that too! I should do it too! Thank you for sharing!