My Prayer Time

I often get asked what bible I use. Here is what I currently use for my prayer time.  I added my husband’s bible too, in case you are looking at other options, as well as some of my favorite devotionals and accessories.  I hope this is helpful.

1) Holy Bible – This Catholic Bible is the Great Adventure Bible. (It comes in leather or paperback. I have the paperback and love it.) I started using this to read along with Fr. Mike for the Bible in a Year podcast, and I truly have loved it! 

2) Wonderfully Made Bible Cover – I love this adorable bible cover! It has a handle and a zipper, and the colorful text reads, “I praise you, for I am fearfully & wonderfully made.” from Psalm 139. It just brightens my day and works well to protect my bible and prayer devotional that both fit inside!  There are also pockets inside. 

3) Bible Tabs – These have helped me to find all the books of bible more quickly! 

4) Imitation of Christ – If I could have three books for the rest of my life I would have the Bible, Catechism and the Imitation of Christ book!  The Imitation of Christ is so full of great wisdom!  It is great for all spiritual levels too weather you are new to your faith or you are a living Saint this is the book for you!  Easy to follow and understand great for prayer time.

5) Pieta Prayer book-This is the classic book known as the Little Blue Prayer Book which presents the beautiful truths and devotions of our Roman Catholic Faith. Those who use these prayers devoutly may obtain greater grace to better serve God. The book draws particularly on the source of God’s goodness and mercy – a source which is virtually underutilized. The Little Blue Prayer Book is a great resource for evangelization and also to increase devotion to our Creator.

6) My FAVORITE Rosaries 

For all my CATHOLIC discount codes, click HERE.  Years ago I did a video on my Youtube channel about what I do for my morning prayer. I hope you enjoy!

In Christ,

One Response

  1. With your morning prayer routine video being in 2020 I was wondering if your routine changed any and if so can you share update please

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