Guest Room Ideas

Have guests coming over for the holidays? If you have family and friends coming over for the holiday season, here are some tips and tricks to make their stay cozy. Whether you have a small space or large one, a strict budget or an unlimited one, there’s at least one idea here that will help your guest room feel more welcoming!  I turned my daughters bed into a guest room and all my guest love it!

1. Consider Bed Size — If possible, make sure you a bed big enough for guests to be comfortable. We have a full-size bed in our guest room, which gives guests plenty of space to sleep comfortably. 

2. Mix and Match Bedding — Having layered bedding allows guests to choose the level of warmth that they prefer. I keep a quilt on the bed, but I always have an extra blanket draped over a chair in the guest room. You want to make sure you can accommodate people, whether they sleep hot or cold. Keep a variety of bedding so guests can choose what works for them. And of course, always have clean sheets!

3. Have Plenty of Pillows — We’ve all stayed somewhere, at some point, where the pillows were too flat, too hard, or too soft. Everyone has a preference when it comes to pillows, so it’s important to have a couple of options if you can. I keep a combination of pillows — fluffy, thin, hard, and soft. 

4. Stock Fresh Towels — Don’t make your guests hunt for towels! I keep two towels in the guest room, so visitors don’t have to ask. I also keep a couple of small washcloths as well. 

5. Keep a Cozy Chair — If your space and budget allow for it, I highly recommend having a cozy chair guests can relax in. It’s a nice way to decompress after a long trip. Your guests can read a book, pray the rosary, or just enjoy some quiet time.

6. Declutter all Surfaces — Make sure your guests have plenty of surface space to set their things. Keep all dressers and side tables free of unnecessary clutter. 

7. Provide Hanging Space — Consider keeping part of a closet clear or hang a rack over the door. Your visitor may want to hang a towel, coat, or purse. This will help them feel more comfortable and keep the room from getting too cluttered.

8. Have a Side Table — I enjoy having a side table, or “command table,” where guests can find goodies for their stay. Some things you might I like to include are a bible, the Wi-Fi code, a couple of books or magazines, a rosary, an extra phone cord, kleenx, toothbrushes, a bottle of water, and snacks or treats. My favorite magazines to keep handy for girlfriends are Better Home & Gardens and Magnolia. I also include a couple of hardcover home decor books. 

9. Location Near Bathroom — If possible, try to choose a room closest to the bathroom for your guest room. It makes it a little more comfortable for your guests to not have to wander too far. 

10. Keep Toiletries On Hand — I keep extra shampoo, conditioner, and body wash in the bathroom my guests use. Sometimes people forget things when packing and are too embarrassed to ask for them, so it’s nice to keep toiletries available. 

11. Center the Bed — Sometimes having the bed against the wall can make things, well, awkward. To make it as easy as possible to climb into bed, keep your bed in the center of the room. 

12. Have Bedside Lamps — If your bed is centered, place a nightstand with a lamp on each side of the bed.

I hope some of these tips have helped! I’d love to hear some of the things you do to keep your guest room cozy. Drop a comment below! God bless!

In Christ,

Heather Johnson

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