Advent is almost here! This is such a beautiful time of year, but it can also be a little stressful. We all know creating Christmas magic isn’t free, and sometimes the thought of spending even more money for Advent can be overwhelming. It’s important to remember that the reason for Advent is to draw closer to Jesus, and that’s free! You don’t have to spend a lot of money (or any) to have a beautiful Advent. I’m going to show you several ways you can participate in popular Advent traditions while on a budget! Your children might even have more fun with some of these ideas, because they are DIY and allow them to help out and get creative!
1. Advent Wreath Ideas — Some Advent wreaths can be expensive, so as an alternative, you can always make your own! I have an entire video on how to use supplies from the dollar store to make a gorgeous Advent wreath. Typically, when lighting the Advent wreath, you’ll read from some sort of devotional here is the one we read. If you’d rather not spend money on a particular devotional, just read the Gospel of Luke. Luke has 24 chapters, so it’s perfect for reading one chapter a night. Click here for a free checklist to help you keep track of your reading. Another idea is to pray the St. Andrew Christmas Novena as a family. It starts on November 30 and makes a wonderful Advent tradition.
2. Jesse Tree — The Jesse tree is something children love, but you don’t need to spend money on wooden ornaments to participate in this beautiful tradition. Holy Heroes has several free or cheap resources for Advent, including this Jesse Tree poster and sticker activity pack. I’d also highly recommend The Little Rose shop. They have a free Advent activity pack that will keep your little ones busy! For so many other Jesse Tree devotion ideas CLICK HERE.
3. The Giving Manger — The Giving Manger is a sweet tradition that allows your children’s good deeds to make a soft bed for Jesus to rest in. You start with a manger and some hay or yarn, and each time your child does something nice, like cleaning their room without being asked, you ask them to put some hay in the manger. While you can find premade kits, I made my own. I used popsicle sticks and hot glue for the manger and yellow yarn for the hay.

4. Mary on the Mantle — Mary on the Mantle is the Catholic version of Elf on the Shelf. You can buy the official version, but it’s just as easy to use any Mary doll you already have, or this is a great one if you are looking. This is a fun, interactive way to help your children prepare for the arrival of baby Jesus.
5. Advent Calendar– Shining Light Dolls also has a free Advent calendar that kids can color. There are so many free resources for the holidays, so don’t feel as if you have to spend money or miss out! I hope you have found something fun here you can do with your children. Below is a video from my YouTube Channel talking more about these! If you have any free or affordable Advent ideas you and your family enjoy, drop a comment below! God bless!