5 Jesse Tree Ideas

The Jesse Tree is a big deal in our family!  We love this devotion so much!   It truly gets our hearts ready for Christmas every year. The Jesse Tee is a 25-day devotion that starts on December 1.  It helps us prepare for Christmas by giving readings that start with the Old Testament and finish with the coming of Jesus. It starts with Jesse, who was the father of King David, an ancestor of Jesus.  The Jesse tree is essentially Jesus’ family tree. There are lots of different ways to do this devotion, so I’ll give a few different ideas below with all different price points, including a free one!  I hope you enjoy this devotion as much as we do in our family.  We do this devotion at our dinner table, which is the perfect time for us to reflect and talk about the readings. 

Here’s one that we have that the little kids love!  This interactive children’s book uses the beloved tradition of the Jesse Tree to bring the story of salvation alive. Unfold a flap each day in Advent to discover the key figures and events in the Bible, all leading to the greatest gift of all: the birth of Jesus Christ!

Then ask children to place the corresponding symbol on the magnetic Jesse Tree board, which can be hung on the wall as a daily reminder of the countdown to Christmas. This makes for such a beautiful and holy Advent calendar tradition!

Let the Jesse Tree be your guide as you prepare your hearts for the true meaning of Christmas.  Click HERE to get the link to this Jesse Tree, plus a 10% your entire order with the code ACATHOLICMOMSLIFE.

This Jesse Tree from Holy Heroes is great if you are crafty or on a tight budget!  It comes with the daily guide to follow, as well as an ornament sheet to print, color, and cut. If you are super crafty, you could make your own version with felt, or paint a glass bulb ornament.  For a link to this (pictured above) free printable, click HERE

We also have this full Jesse Tree Kit! They are so easy. You have everything you need included (except the tree, so we just got this little cheap one from Walmart and it has been great!)   It comes with the ornaments already done and a book to follow along with every night.  We also have this Jesse Tree: Advent Devotion book that is the Catholic version of the Jesse Tree that we love! 

We have used this too!  These are great if you want to see if the Jesse tree is for you before investing in a whole kit.  Not only do you get the Jesse tree, but they also have stickers for the advent wreath so every week you can place a new sticker on the wreath at the bottom of the page.  If you want to check this out, HERE is the link. 

Children will love putting these Jesse Tree stickers onto pre-drilled wooden coins to create sturdy Jesse Tree ornaments that can be used year after year! All you have to do is hang them. Use paperclips, string, yarn–anything you’d like! Children will also learn what the ornaments mean with this best-selling History of Salvation Activity Book for daily fun as you learn about the lineage of Jesus!
Holy Heroes *ULTIMATE* Jesse Tree Kit includes:

I hope this was helpful!  If you know of any others, let me know and I will add them too!  Below is a YouTube video I did years ago that might be helpful.

In Christ,

Heather Johnson

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Hi, I’m Heather! Welcome to this blog! I’m a Catholic YouTuber, wife, and mother to 5 beautiful children ages 4-13. My greatest joy is my vocation of being a wife, mother, homemaker, and home chef. My YouTube ministry is where I love spreading hope, joy, and encouraging all to love Christ with their whole hearts.

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