10 Catholic Customs

One of most notable things about being Catholic is how many traditions we keep. There are so many beautiful Catholic customs that have been passed down throughout the generations. A lot of them are unsaid, we just sort of do them! They aren’t things that we necessarily read about in books. In this post, I will explain ten of them.  There are probably hundreds of customs, but here are just a few!

  1. Make the Sign of the Cross with three fingers and kiss the thumb. Some people kiss their thumb and imagine they are kissing the feet of Jesus.
  2. When driving past a Catholic Church, always make the Sign of the Cross. That is Jesus’s home, as He is physically present in the tabernacle of that Church.
  3. When we hear an ambulance or emergency sirens, we always pray for that situation and the people. We pray an Our Father, a Hail Mary, and a Glory Be for whoever is involved in that situation.
  4.  Saint Anthony Prayer- I pray the St Anthony prayer whenever I can’t find something! “Saint Anthony, Saint Anthony please come here, come here. Something is lost and it is so very dear.” St. Anthony is the patron saint of lost things, and he always seems to help us when we need it!
  5. If a Holy object falls (a sacramental, blessed rosary, etc.), pick it up and kiss it immediately.
  6. Palm Sunday palms- put them behind crucifix or a picture of Jesus
  7. If a sacramental (blessed object like a rosary, scapular or picture) breaks, we are to bury it OR burn it.
  8. Crucifix in every single bedroom and room of the house- the Holy Crucifix is extremely powerful. Satan hates the crucifix! It always reminds him that Jesus is victorious
  9. Bow your head and think about Jesus every time Jesus’s name is mentioned.
  10. When you go into a new Catholic Church, you can ask God for 3 specific prayers. 

By doing these Catholic customs, we are bringing prayer to mind. To find more of these unsaid Catholic customs, check out the book Holy Hacks written by Patty Maguire Armstrong. It is an awesome resource!

Are there any Catholic customs or “holy hacks” that you were taught as a young person or that you feel called to do? 

In Christ,

Heather Johnson

2 Responses

  1. I am attending a funeral in the St. Josephs Catholic Church on Jan 2. Is it still a custom for a woman to cover her hair while attending a service?

    Nancy Denn

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