How to Use Blessed Salt

Have you ever heard of blessed salt? Blessed salt is something we always have on hand in our house. It’s a wonderful form of protection and healing. It’s so important to our family, we even travel with it! Like many Catholic traditions, sacramentals are often shrouded in mystery. So today, I’d like to chat about blessed salt — most importantly, what is it? Where can you get it? How do you use it?

Blessed salt is a powerful sacramental. You may already be familiar with other sacramentals, such as holy water, rosaries, or miraculous medals. A sacramental is anything set apart or blessed by the church to encourage devotion. While they may seem superstitious, it’s important to note that sacramentals are NOT good luck charms. The catechism states that sacramentals help connect the natural to the supernatural (CCC 1670.) Thus, sacramentals always bring us closer to Christ. 

Sacramentals need to be blessed by a priest. Priests have a special authority that has been passed down from Christ, who made Peter the first pope. These blessings, especially ones that include exorcisms, are what make sacramentals so effective in warding off spiritual attacks. 

To get blessed salt for your house, you first need to buy salt and a storage container. Any salt will do! You can buy a large tub of iodized salt, pink sea salt — anything. It doesn’t need to be expensive. Next, bring your salt to Mass. After Mass has ended, ask your priest if he can bless your salt for you. It really is that easy! You can ask a priest to bless any sacramental: a rosary, a miraculous medal, or holy water. Once you have your blessed salt, here are some ways to use it around your home:

1. Place around door frames, on windowsills, or the perimeter of your house. You can say a prayer of protection if you’d like.

2. Carry it with you when you travel! I use a small spice container and keep blessed salt on me when we go anywhere we might need it. Some places might be hotels or a hospital if you are a loved one fall ill.

3. Cook with it! You can add a small pinch of blessed salt to your family’s food when cooking. It’s fine to consume a small amount, and this can be an added layer of provision or protection.

4. Sprinkle it around beds for calm sleep. My son Zachary has a very active imagination. If you have a child with an active imagination, then you know that they can get scared easily. I will sometimes sprinkle blessed salt around my son’s bed to ward off nightmares. It can also be proactive to allow your child to do this too.

5. If you’re building a house, pour blessed salt in the foundation! 

I hope this been helpful. If you have any ideas on other ways to use blessed salt, please drop a comment below! I’d also love to hear any stories you may have about how blessed salt has healed or helped you. God bless, friends!

In Christ,

Heather Johnson

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