(Natural Family Planning) NFP for Beginners

Here are some great resources if you are new to NFP(Natural Family Planning) and looking to learn NFP for beginners.

What is NFP? NFP is a holistic approach to family planning. Both husband and wife understand their fertility, emotions, and family planning intention (whether to have a baby or not). Its successful use to avoid pregnancy relies upon a couple’s following what they know about the method and one another. Successful use of NFP requires a couple to communicate. In the daily charting of their fertility signs, couples quickly appreciate their shared responsibility for family planning. Husbands are encouraged to “tune into” their wives’ cycles, and both spouses are encouraged to speak openly to each other about their sexual desires and their ideas on family size.  Watch Video Here Read More Here

Is NFP for you? Here is a video to help you discern if God is calling you to use NFP.

Why NFP?


The instructor I used to understand NFP (Marquette Method):


More Information about NFP and the Catholic Church:

What has helped me with NFP postpartum:

My simple and Easy NFP that I use now:

Here are the ovulation strips I use:


Here are the ovulation predictor tests I use when postpartum:


Books about NFP and the Church:

The Good News About Sex and Marriage 

Theology of the Body 

Here is a great video about Theology of the Body:

I hope this helps answer any question that you have about NFP. If you have any other questions, please write then in the comments and I will do my best to answer your questions or find some good resources for you.

God bless you!

In Christ,

Heather Johnson

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