Catholic Easter Baskets

Here are the cutest ideas for a Catholic Easter Basket for kids! 

Blessed Virgin Mary Wooden Candle – this is so cute!  The flame is detachable and they have several different kinds to pick from! Click HERE to check them out, plus 10% off order with code ACATHOLICMOMSLIFE.

Easter Morning Wooden Playset – This play set is great for helping the kids understand Easter Morning even better!  Click HERE to check it out plus 10% off with code ACATHOLICMOMSLIFE

Easter Morning Magnets – These are perfect for Easter Baskets because the kids can play with them in the morning for a fun activity!  Click HERE to check them out and 10% off with code ACATHOLICMOMSLIFE

Mary and Joseph Plush Dolls – these are a favorite of my children through the years!  They have 3 different sizes minis, regular and Jumbo!  These are the regular size.  They have St Francis of Assisi, St Joseph, Mother Mary with baby Jesus, and so many more! Click HERE to check them out plus 10% off with code ACATHOLICMOMSLIFE

Saint Collectable Dolls – These plastic dolls are amazing!  All my children love them and even the babies I have had love chewing on them!  They are great for all ages!   They have so many cute other options such as Mother Mary, St. Catherine, St Jude, St NicholasSt Elizabeth of Hungary, St Theresa of Avila, St Elizabeth, St Rose of Lima,  St Joseph and Angels, !  Click HERE to check them out Plus 10% off with code ACATHOLICMOMSLIFE

Reuseable Egg/Easter Sticker Scene – These are perfect for Easter Mass to keep the kids quiet while playing with the Easter scene!  These are so fun!  Click HERE to check them out plus 10% off with code ACATHOLICMOMSLIFE 

Saint and Mary Rag Dolls – These are perfect for any child!  My children love these to much because of how cute these are. They have Mother Mary, Saint Gianna, Saint Therese, Saint Bridget, Our Lady of Guadalupe, Saint Joseph and more! Click HERE to check them out plus 10% off with code ACATHOLICMOMSLIFE 

Easter Pajamas – These are so cute and you could match your whole family with these PJ’s! I love the ones from Holy Pals because they are all Christians and you can use them year round not just Easter!  Click HERE to check them out and enjoy 10% off with code HEATHERJ

Decade Wooden Mary’s Garden Rosary – My children LOVE this and it is great for family Rosary for the little ones!  Just give them a piece every new Hail Mary!  Click HERE to check them out.

Wooden Mass Kit – This is great for little boys who want to play mass!  I gave this to my son Zachary for Easter one year and he LOVED it!  So sweet!  Click HERE if you want to check it out and 10% off with code ACATHOLICMOMSLIFE

Catholic Board Books – for kids  these are so great perfect for any little ones.  Here are some of the books We Go To Mass, Book about Saint Francis, Books about Saint Theresa, Alphabet Saint Book.  Plus so many more HERE and 10% off with code ACATHOLICMOMSLIFE

Here are some of the cutest Easter Basket ideas for the Catholic family! Plus 10% your entire order with code ACATHOLICMOMSLIFE

1) St Bridget of Ireland Doll 

2) We Go To Mass Book

3) Blessed Virgin Mary Wooden Candle

4) Easter Morning Wooden Magnets 

5) St Joseph Plush Doll

6) Saints on the Go!  Book 

7) Reusable Sticker Egg & Scene

8) Our Lady of Fatima Doll

CLICK HERE for all my Catholic Discount codes!  And for even more ideas check out this year Easter basket ideas on Youtube below!   Also my prepare for HOLY Week video.  Thanks for stopping by! 

In Christ,

Heather Johnson

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